- PhD from Jamia Arabia, Karachi (recognized by Jamia Al-Azhar, Egypt)
- M.A. (Economics) from Karachi University
- B.A (Hons) Arabic / Persian Literature from University of Sindh
- Madresah Mashareal Uloom, Hyderabad Sindh
- Darse-Sukhan-Rani from Ayatullah Falsafi of Mashad, Iran
- Darse-Tafseer from Ayatullah Mahdi Pooya, Allama Rasheed Turabi, Khateeb-e-Azam Maulana Syed Mohd. Dehalvi, Maulana Zafar Hasan, Ayatullah Shariati, Thiqatul Islam Maulana Samar Hasan Zaidi, Allama ibn Hasan Jarchavi
Wakeel and Ijaza
- Current Wakeel of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani Najaf
- Ex. Wakeel of Grand Ayatollah Al Khoe of Najaf
- Research Scholar, Dy. Director Islamic Research Center Karachi
- Ex-Professor Allama Iqbal Open University
- Director, Research for Islamic Studies, Karachi University
- President Academy of Quranic Studies
- Advisor Pak Muharram Education Trust
- Advisor Adamjee Insurance Co. Ltd
- Reciting central Majalis at U.K., UAE, USA, Canada, Africa, Hong Kong, Mascat, India and Pakistan since 1967
- Khateeb Mahfil-e-Shah-e-Khorasaan Karachi
- Quran-e-Mubeen – simplest & easiest possible translation of the Holy Quran, in day to day spoken Urdu language
- Khulasa – tul – Tafaseer – summary of tafaseers from all the important schools of thoughts, of Islam, including tafseer-e-Ahlaybait (30 volumes)
- Usool-e-kafi – Easiest and simplest translation of the selected text (Urdu & English)
- Rooh – e - Quran – summary of selected topics of Holy Quran (Urdu & English)
- Rooh aur Mout ki Haqeeqat – The available details to understand death and rooh (spirit)
- Kalam Shah Bhittai – Selection & Urdu Translation
- Word by word English translation of Holy Quran
- Introduction of Shia believes from the authentic Sunni books (A practical effort for inter sectarian unity)
- Tafseer of 30 most important Suras of Holy Quran
- Subjective Tafseer (commentary) of 100 (most important) subjects of Holy Quran
- Asbaat o Marefat –e- Khuda (Proves of existence and recognition of God) – in the light of the modern research
- Recognition of Ahl-e-Bayt from authentic Sunni books
- Recognition of Imam Mehdi A.S. & our responsibilities
- Selection from Sawaeqe Muhreqa (Wilayat-e-Hazrat Ali A.S.)
- Usool –e- Din (Pillars / Rules of Islam) – Subjective Tafseer , describing the principals in simple Urdu with the help of Holy Quran, Hadiths and modern emerging sciences
- Selected and the simplest Urdu translation of Saheef-e-Kamila – Prayers of Imam Zain-ul-Abedin A.S.
- Selected Urdu translation of Uyoon Akhbar-e-Raza (A.S.) – the life & saying of Imam Ali Raza A.S.
- Tafseer-e-Qassasul Quran - Commentary of Stories of Holy Quran, along with the different point of views from various schools of thoughts
- Selected and subject wise English translation of Nahjul - Balagha